The Philosophy of Success

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Welcome to Success!

We do not breed, just to produce to just have litters. We only breed, when there is a specific breeding, for quality dogs, that I would like to produce for show purposes.

We sell all puppies privately and require a completed puppy application for consideration of a puppy from us and references for perspective purchasers. We do not sell breeder puppies. We only sell puppies for breeding that are show quality. My personal philosophy is; if the dog isn't good enough for the show ring then it shouldn't be bred.

We sell pet puppies with neuter/spay contracts. These pets must be spay/neutered per contract and never bred.

We OFA all adults and will only breed dogs that are OFA good or excellent. All of our puppies have health guarantees against hip dysplasia.

We are very selective in using our males for outside stud services. When I evaluate a prospective bitch that comes in for breeding, I look at both the pedigree and the bitch's conformation. I ask myself, do I want my male's pedigree on the litter this bitch will produce? I have turned down more stud services than I accept.
I am truly not eccentric, I follow the PWDCA codes of ethic, as well as my own.

We have a whelping room that is quarantined from all outside contact until the puppies receive their 2nd set of vaccinations and their fecal is checked and found to be free of parasites. Dewclaws are removed within the first few days after birth. Puppies are microchipped at 8 weeks of age.

We require all PWD,to pass health tests, prior to being bred.

Please do not insult me, by asking to negotiate the price on any of my puppies.  This is a puppy, not a car.  If you can not afford the inital price of the puppy, then I would worry that you could not care properly for that puppy.  Anyone that requests a negotiation of the price, will soon realize that my puppies are no longer availble to them.

All of our dogs have wonderful loving temperaments, and reproduce this temperament in their puppies. We temperment test all puppies at 7 weeks of age and the results are documented in their informational puppy packet.

Puppy packets for PWD pups contain: All health records for the pup, guide to crate training, Information on feeding and house training schedule, information on basic grooming products, and microchip information to register the puppy's microchip. Pictures of each parent, copies of their AKC Champion certificates, and copies of all current health clearances. Litter Pedigree and lots of PWDCA informtion. They also come with a stuffed toy of their choice, collar and leash, small amount of Purinia Pro Plan Puppy food, and the PWD puppy book.  

If you have additional questions please contact me.

Nancy J. Sedlacek